Graduate Student Life Hacks (#gradlifehacks)

In the weeks prior to beginning your graduate degree program, you are presented with a lot of new information. The volume of orientation requirements and training can make it difficult to remember everything, much less find answers to your questions. Your Graduate Student Government (GSG) has created this online resource to help you answer your questions or find the correct person to ask. This resource also includes topics that more senior graduate students “wish they knew when they started grad school”.

Please take some time to skim the available resources and refer to them as needed. Also available is a guide on the advisor-student partnership,  here.  We welcome feedback on the website (send us an email at, and contact your department representative with any remaining questions. The graduate school also has additional information here.  

At every point along your journey, GSG is here to help you!  Feel free to reach out to your department representatives or attend bi-weekly meetings.  Consider becoming a student representative for your department to advocate on behalf of graduate students. While this looks good on your curriculum vitae, it also has the potential to positively impact the lives of all graduate students.  

We look forward to seeing you around campus!

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