Discretionary Funds

The Graduate Student Government offers discretionary funding for Michigan Tech Registered Student Organizations (RSO) that require extra funds for on-campus events.

To qualify for discretionary funding through GSG, a student organization must

Be comprised of mostly graduate students,
Commit to display the GSG logo on its publicity materials,
Complete the Discretionary Funds application in accordance with the deadline specified in the GSG bylaws (Section VI.E.ii).

Please note that student organizations may receive discretionary funding only once per semester. The funds cannot be used for the purchase of apparel, free giveaways, or alcoholic beverages. In addition, organizations cannot request more than 20% of the discretionary budget determined at the beginning of a GSG session.

To obtain GSG discretionary funding for your organization, you must

Submit the Discretionary Funding Request Form at least 2 weeks prior to the event that you wish to obtain funding for. The GSG Ways and Means Committee will process all requests and ensure that these adhere to the GSG bylaws. The GSG reserves the right to invite Michigan Tech organization leaders to assist in the review process, as necessary. 

After submiting of the Request Form, attend to the immediate next GSG General Body Meeting to give a brief presentation of the event, and answer questions. This step is to be followed only upon request from the GSG. After your presentation, the GSG Treasurer will present a recommendation to the General Body, at which point they will discuss and vote on your request. In order for your organization to obtain discretionary funding, your request must pass a vote by 2/3 majority of quorum.