Graduate Research Colloquium – Poster Sessions

GSG is pleased to announce this year’s Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) will be held on Tuesday, March 29, and Wednesday, March 30. GRC offers a unique opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research across the campus-wide community and work on their presentation skills for upcoming conferences. Students can give oral presentations, present posters, or do both. Due to the uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic restrictions, the event will be held in a pseudo-hybrid mode. Many conferences have been happening in the hybrid models due to the pandemic, so this would be an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with real-life experiences. Poster presentations will be held in person, and the oral presentations will be held virtually. Judges from a similar field will score all the presentations as the presenter. They will provide valuable insight and feedback on how the students can improve their presentations. 

Cash prizes are available for the top three places in both oral and poster presentations (1st – $300, 2nd – $200, and 3rd – $100). Poster Presentations will occur on Tuesday, March 29 in the MUB ballroom, 5-7 pm. GSG will cover the cost of printing posters for this year’s event so don’t let that prevent you from participating!   

The GRC event will be capped off with the annual GRC Awards Banquet. All participants and judges are invited to attend. The banquet will also be held in the hybrid mode so that people may join the awards ceremony virtually if they want. The banquet will be held on Wednesday, March 30, following the closing of GRC. Full information can be found on our website. If you have any questions please contact

The event is finished.


Mar 29 2022


5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


MUB Ballroom

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