Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) 2025

What is the Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC)?
Each spring, GSG sponsors the Graduate Research Colloquium Poster & Presentation Competition. The GRC offers a unique opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research with the University community and work on their presentation skills for other professional events. Students can give oral presentations, present posters, or do both. This year, both the formats will be held in person. Judges from a similar field as the presenter will score all the presentations. They will provide valuable insight and feedback on how the students can improve their presentations. The presenters will be grouped into different technical sessions, according to their discipline of study.
JOIN US as a faculty/staff judge or volunteer for GRC
Judge Registration Volunteer Registration!Important Dates
- January 15 – Registration Opens
- March 7 – Registration Closes
- March 14 – Poster and Abstracts Due
- March 25 (9AM – 2PM) – Oral Presentations (MUB Alumni Lounge)
- March 25 (5PM – 8PM) – Poster Presentations (Rozsa Lobby)
- March 26 (5PM – 8PM) – Annual GRC Awards Banquet (Rozsa Lobby)
Who can participate?
All graduate students are highly encouraged to participate to present their research and use GRC as the platform for their presentation. Students can submit either for oral presentation by talking about their ongoing research or poster presentation by detailing their work, or even do both!
Why participate?
The GRC provides graduate students a great opportunity to practice their oral or poster presentations in a friendly environment that prepares them for major national and international conferences. The GRC environment helps students improve on their skills and judges also provide valuable feedback for each presentation that can improve a participant’s research.
In addition, GRC is also a space to network and connect with other researchers by learning about other research being undertaken on campus. Cash prizes are available for the top three presenters in both the oral and poster categories (first is $300, second is $200, and third is $100).
GRC Awards Banquet
The GRC event will culminate with the annual GRC Awards Banquet. All participants and judges are invited to attend. The banquet will be held on Wednesday, March 26 at the Rozsa Lobby, 5-8 pm. Please reach out with any questions about the event to this contact: gsg-research@mtu.edu.