General Resources

Tiffany Jaeger ( is the Manager of Student Outreach and Retention in the Dean of Students office. She can help connect you with various campus and local resources depending on what type of emergency you are facing.

Upper Peninsula Health Plan has a case worker who visits Houghton on a regular basis. They can help connect you with various resources and help with applying for programs like Medicaid and food stamps. Contact Tiffany to start setting up a meeting.

Other free resources are available on

Student Emergency Funds

There are 4 different emergency funds available to students who are experiencing financial hardship due to personal emergencies such as illness, fire, emergency travel, etc. Each fund has different requirements, and the Dean of Students office will help determine which one is applicable for you.

These funds are:

  • Betty Chavis Emergency Fund
  • Graduate School Emergency Grant Program
  • Husky Emergency Assistance Fund
  • International Student Emergency Fund

To find more information, visit here.Food

To apply for emergency funds, visit here

Food Security

The Husky Food Access Network is an on-campus food pantry that is open to the MTU campus community. A variety of options are available, from pickup of groceries to meal swipes in the dining halls. More information can be found here.

There are also numerous local resources available for food needs. For a partial list, visit here

Medical Emergencies

Minor injury / illness

Most regular physicians offices offer some last-minute appointments for minor injuries and illnesses. The UP Health System – University Center is located close to campus.

Urgent care

For injuries / illnesses that are not life-threatening, but still need urgent attention, an urgent care clinic can provide services. The UP Health System – Express Care office is located near the intersection of Sharon Ave. and M-26, by Walmart.

Emergency room

For very serious injuries / illnesses, a visit to the emergency room is the quickest way to receive care. The UP Health System – Portage Hospital located in Hancock is the nearest emergency room to campus. 

Dental emergencies

Many dental offices in the area offer emergency appointments. Some examples include the Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center in Calumet and Superior Smiles in Hancock.

Veterans Guide - VA Disability Calculator & Resources

Veterans Guide is an advocacy center dedicated to helping veterans navigate challenges related to disability compensation, financial assistance, and more. One of their key resources is a VA Disability Calculator, designed to help veterans accurately calculate their VA disability ratings and understand the financial support they are eligible for. This tool can be especially helpful for veterans facing homelessness due to underlying disabilities. Additionally, resources like the G.I. Bill Education and Employment Study help veterans maximize their education benefits and career opportunities.

Visit Veterans Guide to explore their resources and guides aimed at supporting veterans and their families.

Luke Daniels
Outreach Director | Veterans Guide