Every year GSG hosts our annual Awards Banquet. It is a time for celebration of all the hard work that graduate students, faculty and staff have put in over the past year. One set of awards that are given out at the banquet are the Merit Awards.

Nominations will close on March 18, Monday, 11.59 pm. If you have any questions please contact Shipra Tiwari at gsg-prodev@mtu.edu. The following are the categories for the awards.

Submit your nomination!

Exceptional Staff Member

The Exceptional Staff Member Award will be nominated by a graduate student and is given to a Michigan Tech staff member who exemplifies one or more of the following:

  • Professional excellence and advocacy for graduate students. 
  • Readily available to help and encourage graduate students in personal and professional success.
  • Awareness of current university procedures, disciplinary trends, and academic  opportunities.
Exceptional Graduate Mentor

Our Exceptional Graduate Mentors exemplify the following: 

  • Assist graduate students in navigating their academic career at  Michigan Tech toward professional success.
  • Make themselves available to counsel and encourage graduate students.
  • Create an open environment with their students that encourages personal growth beyond academic pursuits.
  • Share their expertise in research, teaching or other scholarly pursuits.
  • Involve graduate students in their research collaborations, presentations, and publications.
  • Advocate for graduate students as a professor, advisor, research collaborator, etc.
Exceptional Student Leader

Our Exceptional Student Leaders exemplify the following:

  • Substantially contribute to the betterment of their department or overall graduate community.
  • Take on leadership roles at MTU.
  • Recognized by others as a standard bearer of integrity.
  • Collegial attitude and demeanor.
Exceptional Student Scholars

Our Exceptional Student Scholars exemplify excellence in academic pursuits such as, but not limited to:

  • Exceptional work ethic in courses:
    • Performance inside and outside of classes
    • Assisting the success of fellow graduate students
  • Outstanding research efforts:
    • Contributions beyond credit requirements (mentoring fellow graduate students, interdisciplinary projects, innovative ideas, etc.)
    • Publications, patents, presentations
  • Noteworthy teaching endeavors: 
    • Dedication to instructional/tutoring obligations (NOT just grading)
    • Extraordinary dedication to their students’ success 
    • Development or implementation of original teaching practices
Previous Winners
Exceptional Staff MemberExceptional Graduate MentorExceptional Student LeaderExceptional Student Scholar
2022Cindy Wadaga & Karen BessDr. Zhanping YouLisa EggartDongzhao Jin
2019Brittany BuschellDr. Melissa F. BairdKarina EyreMiles Penhale
2018Cassy Tefft de MunozDr. Chelsea SchellyWilliam LytleHaihang Ye
2017Jill FisherDr. Jessie KnowltonErin PischkeWei Wei