In October of 2021, The Graduate Student Government launched a 60-day pilot program for the premium EDU membership of the cross-platform cloud-based writing assistant application- Grammarly. This pilot allowed Michigan Tech students, faculty, and staff to use the premium features of Grammarly @EDU for free for 60 days using the Michigan Tech SSO. This premium membership upgraded the service from basic spelling and punctuation checking to a complete writing assistant experience, including tone checks, ease of reading detection, and plagiarism check. The pilot ran from October 25 until December 24. We would like to thank IT for providing the necessary technical support for the successful execution of this pilot and to everyone who participated in the surveys sent out by GSG.

While Grammarly can assist students with efficient emails to peers and supervisors, and regular assignments, for researchers, faculty, and staff it can assist with day-to-day email communications, proposal and manuscript writing, and plagiarism detection. Some cool features of Grammarly premium are,

Ease of reading detector

Academic writing can often have many explaining of complex concepts and procedures. Grammarly’s ‘ease to read’ detection tells you if the sentences are not easy to read and adding extra complexness(got to be a better word for this). 

Plagiarism Checker

Michigan tech currently uses subscription for plagiarism checks, but the check is limited to a single use per semester and is fairly complicated to use. Plagiarism check will be much easier with Grammarly premium.  Grammarly cross-checks along billions of web pages for plagiarism.

Writing is often a marathon rather than a race

This often causes documents to be less consistent, with various regards like date formats, punctuation.

Learn as you go

Grammarly also helps by making suggestions along with autocorrecting. This means that as we are fixing an issue marked by Grammarly we also learn why we are doing it and avoid it in the future.

More information on the Grammarly features can be found at

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to Ranit at