Alumni Reunion Poster Session

Watch the 2021 Poster Sessions

What is the Alumni Reunion poster session?

The Alumni Reunion poster session allows Graduate Students from all departments to present their research to MTU alumni at the annual Alumni reunion poster session. This event is a continued tradition designed to increase the interaction between graduate students and alumni. This is an opportunity to share your research, ideas and interact with Michigan Tech alumni, and to expand your network connections.

What the event will look like this year: Back in Person

This year GSG was pleased to host the 2022 Alumni Reunion Poster session in person on August 5th. Being back in person allows  for more student-alumni interaction. Participation is open to graduate students from all departments. Presenters should prepare a poster of their research and a short presentation to explain their research.

Interested graduate students are invited to register here by July 29th to present their research. As part of this event GSG will print posters for the participants. The event will consist of elevator pitch-style and poster presentations with physical posters. 

Enjoy pictures of the 2022 event here

Questions about this event?

If you have any further questions about this event, feel free to contact Michael Maurer at